Random VCaaS iPhone Fixes

FirstDigital Customer Knowledge-base

Random VCaaS iPhone Fixes

Problem: And the contacts are still not in the iPhone app. :-( (I’ve shown her where to find iPhone contacts but nothing pulls up.) I’ve logged in as this user on my phone and was able to search my contacts.)

Solution: Open "Settings" Scroll down to "VCaaS" select and make sure that "ALLOW VCAAS TO ACCESS" is green for Contacts.

Problem: Why doesn’t the app stay active when the phone is not in use? We have all experienced this issue… (When the phone has been idle and they open the app back up, they have a red triangle notification at the bottom informing them that they are disconnected.)

Solution: The iPhone has a sleep function built in that improves battery life.  We now hold the registration on the server side so your iPhone may occasionally show the app disconnected. However, the server is still connected and has access to send messages via https push services.  We are investigating options to prevent this false alarm pop-up from appearing on wake up.

For any questions, please contact Customer Support at (800) 213-1315 or (801) 379-3000.