Salesforce Integration

FirstDigital Customer Knowledge-base

Salesforce Integration

This page covers how to integrate Salesforce CRM with Integrator. But first it should be noted that this is limited to Salesforce Pro and higher.

Salesforce Integration Setup


To use Salesforce, open the Preferences (macOS) or Configuration (PC) window on your computer and click "(Add new)" under IntegrationsOn Windows, right-click the Integrator tray icon and select "Configuration." On macOS click the Integrator icon in the dock, then choose Go Integrator > Preferences from the menu bar.

In the Username field, type the Salesforce username or email address. Type the password in the Password field. On Windows, type the security token right after the password (no spaces). On macOS type the security token in the Security token field. Click Save.

Security Token on Windows

The Windows version of Integrator does not have a Security Token field. This token is still required. When entering the password, add the security token to the end of it. For example. If your password is 123Pass and your security token is 456Token you would type 123Pass456Token into the password field.

You can test the integration by entering a an area code (such as 801) and pressing search. This should pull up all results that contain this search term.

If you receive the above error, please contact Veracity's customer service team to make sure you have the appropriate license and a user that supports Integrator.

Salesforce Security Tokens:

LOGIN_MUST_USE_SECURITY_TOKEN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out. Are you at a new location? When accessing Salesforce--either via a desktop client or the API--from outside of your company’s trusted networks, you must add a security token to your password to log in. To get your new security token, log in to Salesforce. From your personal settings, enter Reset My Security Token in the Quick Find box, then select Reset My Security Token.

For any questions, please contact Customer Support at (800) 213-1315 or (801) 379-3000.